You may have seen some info about Delib’s comms strategy during the coronavirus crisis. If you missed it, see here.

In summary, Delib has a lot of knowledge to share regarding bringing participation processes online, which a lot of public bodies are having to contend with at the moment. This post rounds up all of these resources in one place.

On the 6th May, we shared some links on the topic of consultation feedback and reporting:

  • 1. Crowdsourcing is a simple concept, but there’s a great deal of nuance between doing it well or badly. This guide contains some excellent info on how to get the most out of a crowdsourcing exercise (written for our Dialogue platform, but works universally)
  • 2. Should you run a survey or a crowdsourcing exercise for your next consultation? Here’s a useful chart on when each is beneficial.
  • 3. ‘The Wisdom of Crowds’ by James Surowiecki is a really useful book for anyone working in public participation – we encourage new starters at Delib to read it. The author demonstrates the eerie accuracy of aggregated public opinion. Here’s an excerpt.
  • 4. You may’ve heard about the Scottish Government’s recent crowdsourcing exercise on lifting lockdown in Scotland. It’s a great example of crowdsourcing done well: good promotion, relevant topic, & frequent, timely updates. See the Dialogue here
  • 5. The Scot Gov digital engagement team worked intensely to get analysis of the 4000+ ideas underway & blogged about their findings, even while submissions were still open. Read their preliminary findings.
  • 6. Lastly, some lighthearted reading on crowdsourcing, snow ploughs, and what we like to call ‘the win scenario’. Read ‘Grit me baby one more time

Thanks for reading. If someone you know would benefit from receiving this roundup via email, here’s a link to the signup form

A reminder that if you have any feedback or suggestions, Dani is our content editor and would be happy to hear them. Get in touch on Twitter or send her an email.

Stay safe, everyone, and have a good week.